Saturday, April 17, 2010

Acrostic Poems

An acrostic poem is a very fun poem for kids. Each acrostic poem has a topic idea running down the left side of the poem. Each letter in the topic word has a new thought that runs off the side from left to right and is relevant to the topic word. The topic word is typically the title as well.

For example...


A-t last I am one up on my children; I’m cool
D-ignified I stand apart as I watch them drool
A dude so enchanting, they say he is the best
M-aybe I’ll watch him; see if he aces my test.

L-ips that tilt; a smile with Elvis-like languor
A-nd eyes of mystery behind black kohl-liner
M-agnificent costumes and flashy cloak-clothe
B-lood-curdling voice he warbles on one note
E-xcellent repertoire with nonchalant candour
R-anges of genre he belts out with solid power
T-reble or bass; he controls the highs and lows.
(they’re mesmerized- will it end- who knows.)

"When the Music is Over"

W hen music is not in the drums or the stings,

H arps or in trumpets, or oboes and things.

E nter the realms to the melody's heart

N atures's adventurous wilderness chart.

T he Elders and Maples, and Whispering pines,

H umming in tunes to the brook as it winds,

E ver enticing to the blackberry vines.

M usic appears as an unending plea,

U plifting and beautiful to a sad willow tree.

S ecrets that dwell in whatever we see.

I s it a wonder what nature has held?

C an you believe what you've heard or smelled?

I nside every flower a note will be born,

S ending the bees to dance and perform.

O nly time will allow this music to last,

V acant are the mountains, and gone is the past.

E very tune will subside like those of the clover,

R emember them all when the music is over.

Thursday, April 8, 2010


child carrying load: World Vision of Australia

Why the Mornings are dull and dry,
Why the day just seems to be passing by,
Leading a life full of misery and pain
No shelter from the sun beating down,
No place to hide in rain,
I see the suffering endured by them,
I hear the pitiful begs for clemency
I can see ashes of the innocent billowing from a smokestack
We,on the other hand have all the materialistic pleasures,
People whom we can call our own,memories that we can treasure.
If only,all of us could make a difference in some way,
Make them feel that the sky has blue too,
And not every shade is Grey.
As it is very rightly said and I quote,
""Hope" is the thing with feathers
That perches in the soul
And sings the tune without the words
And never stops at all,"

Saturday, April 3, 2010


When I close my eyes and think of you
I could think of submersing myself in this moment.
Every moment I spent with you,
Is every one of my dreams coming true,
Let the the moon brilliantly shine and glow.
And let the gorgeous pleasant night come in flow,
Let's dwell there forever,as my love is pure for you
On the wings of our love,enduring and true.
I desire for you with the first drop of dew in the morn
With showers on green grass of my fervent lawn.
The passing phases of swinging spring can perceive your fragrance bright,
With birds flapping in southerly breeze and sky of sunny light.
And happiness in life is only because of you,
when I close my eyes...All I see is you.