An acrostic poem is a very fun poem for kids. Each acrostic poem has a topic idea running down the left side of the poem. Each letter in the topic word has a new thought that runs off the side from left to right and is relevant to the topic word. The topic word is typically the title as well.
For example...
A-t last I am one up on my children; I’m cool
D-ignified I stand apart as I watch them drool
A dude so enchanting, they say he is the best
M-aybe I’ll watch him; see if he aces my test.
L-ips that tilt; a smile with Elvis-like languor
A-nd eyes of mystery behind black kohl-liner
M-agnificent costumes and flashy cloak-clothe
B-lood-curdling voice he warbles on one note
E-xcellent repertoire with nonchalant candour
R-anges of genre he belts out with solid power
T-reble or bass; he controls the highs and lows.
(they’re mesmerized- will it end- who knows.)
"When the Music is Over"
W hen music is not in the drums or the stings,
H arps or in trumpets, or oboes and things.
E nter the realms to the melody's heart
N atures's adventurous wilderness chart.
T he Elders and Maples, and Whispering pines,
H umming in tunes to the brook as it winds,
E ver enticing to the blackberry vines.
M usic appears as an unending plea,
U plifting and beautiful to a sad willow tree.
S ecrets that dwell in whatever we see.
I s it a wonder what nature has held?
C an you believe what you've heard or smelled?
I nside every flower a note will be born,
S ending the bees to dance and perform.
O nly time will allow this music to last,
V acant are the mountains, and gone is the past.
E very tune will subside like those of the clover,
R emember them all when the music is over.
Hey Girl,what an informative article.I had no idea that such a form of poetry exists.Thanks for giving mere mortals like me a peep into your creative imagination.It created a deep flutter in my heart and a slight joyful pain that only your captivating words can cause in my heart.Keep creating writing Magic with Words!!!
Very nice.
That is a very nice poem.
Thanks all for such wonderful and encouraging comments...
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